Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Giving Light to Our World

"Elder Newton has something he'd like to share with us, " was how Nelson Ernst, Director of G.L.O.W. for Central California Conference, introduced me to a group of over 400 attendees at "Shine out of Darkness." G.L.O.W. abbreviates "Giving Light to our World"-- the initiative to motivate our membership to place Adventist literature in the hands of searching souls. It was Sunday morning, January 11, at 10:00 a.m. and some surprises awaited me.

My testimony began with Jeremiah 29:10 which says, "I know my plans for you....." The Newton family knows that literature ministry brings people to the Lord. When I was just 8 years old my mother filled out a response card in our doctor's office for information about "The Bible Story" by Arthur Maxwell. As dissatisfied Presbyterians, my parents were looking for a faith foundation for their two boys and the sample volume sitting on the table caught my mother's interest. Not too long afterwards a nice man in a suit rang our doorbell and following his "canvass" sold my parents the 10-volume Bible Story series as well as Ellen White's Conflict of the Ages series. As he was closing his time with these new customers, this faithful colporteur asked, "Would you be interested in learning more about the Bible?" Answering in the affirmative, he promised that someone would be contacting them shortly. And sure enough, Pastor Maurice Peterson of the Orange, California church followed up on this interest with weekly Bible studies that led to my parent's baptism 6 months later.

"I would not be here today without the faithful ministry of that literature evangelist," I informed my listeners. It was faith-affirming to me to hear "amens" from the audience of over 400 people.

What's amazing is that last year there were about 40 people in attendance at the same meeting at Fresno Adventist Academy. Larry Carter, our Union's literature director, confessed shock and awe at the change one year made in the attendance. Therefore, I made it a point to mingle with audience members and leaders of the event to ascertain why the change in a mere 12 months.

My conclusion was two-fold: 1) The mission of G.L.O.W. is to be in the local churches of Central California and teach as well as inspire members that giving out free literature to people is something that anyone can do. And, they've been doing just that! The result is people ready to come together. 2) The Holy Spirit has worked in people's hearts in 2008 as the events around us have unfolded. God is bringing a unity among willing people for this simple witnessing method and the fruits showed up. Nelson confessed to me that there was no grand marketing scheme. My thought was, "Holy Spirit marketing." A scattering of members from Hawaii, Northern, Southern, Southeastern, and Arizona Conferences were also represented in the crowd demonstrating that the mission of G.L.O.W. is spreading. And why not! Sharing literature is an easy, low-confrontation, but high-impact ministry that any person can do.

I enjoyed praying with two ladies from declining churches who are inspired to help reach their community with the truth and see their congregations grow. Like me, they were inspired by Wilmar Hirle, General Conference Associate Publishing Director, as he showed slides from around the world of people sharing literature from cabs, in parks, and deployed in buses to blanket whole countries like Brazil. As he and I visited briefly after his talk, he expressed admiration for the uniqueness of what was happening right in our back yard here in the Pacific Union.

Everyone enjoyed the free lunch of burritos, fruit, and water. (They ordered 800 so nobody went hungry!) And, I came away with more than just a t-shirt. Driving up Highway 99 I was thinking, "It's time to reload my literature supply for the next trip."

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