Happy New Year!
Beginnings in the calender can trigger reflections upon life and work. For myself, I'm starting this new year of ministry also completing 9 months in my work as Executive Secretary for the Pacific Union. (Kind of fitting that these two time-markers coincide.)
Why am I writing this blog? Not because I'm some ministry genius or because you can learn the secrets of life from me. No, my aims are pretty modest, I suppose.
If Journey in Ministry can do two things then I'll be satisfied at the close of 2009. First, it may introduce you, my blog-reading-friend, to Seventh-day Adventist ministry around the Pacific Union that you probably don't have time to experience. Along the way it may posit some implications to the question, "So what do those Union guys do, anyway?" (Although this is really not going to devolve into an apologetic for Unions--that's above my pay-grade!)
The second purpose of Journeys in Ministry is really just personal reflection. I turned 51 on December 4 and it's become more significant for me to analyze how I'm using the time God has given me on this earth. In the clatter of daily living the "big picture" can get lost. This is an attempt to road map my life. To check in on the more existential stuffing of living like purpose, meaning, and significance.
I hope your journey for 2009 holds new insights. Maybe sharing a few from my world may encourage you in yours.
Weekend Roundup
5 years ago
hey brad, i'm glad you're doing this! high-tech & high-touch, i say...i'll be following you as you follow our Savior & Lord, Jesus Christ...often technology gets the rap of being bad and time waster, though it also can be used for good and disseminating noble thoughts, ideas and more importantly, staying connected with people...i believe this blog will grow not only in numbers, but in lives touched for God's kingdom! blessings.