Saturday, January 10, 2009

What Makes A Church?

Today I witnessed the practical manifestation of Peter's words, " also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 2:5).

At the Sparks, Nevada, Seventh-day Adventist Church you'll meet Elder Kingsley Palmer who serves, with his wife Lorraine, as the lead pastor of a vibrant, multicultural congregation in the greater-Reno area of Northern Nevada. But he'll be the first to tell you that there is no church without the faithful service of scores of volunteers.

This Sabbath was officer dedication day at Sparks and it was my privilege to join Pastor Palmer in the service. His theme was being the "hands of Christ" with an emphasis on the kinds of hands one can be in the various roles of elder, clerk, Sabbath school teacher, children's ministry, etc.

We also laid the hands of ordination on two local elders. As I joined in the prayer of dedication it reminded me of the the thousands of other elders across our world church as well as across the years who have felt the touch of hands pressed gently upon their shoulders. This simple act triggered the memory of my own father's ordination in the Orange, California, church one Sabbath in the 1960's as well as my own ordination as a minister in 1988. That moment is a living connection to Peter's words--we're now part of the framework of the "spiritual house" that God is constructing in each generation.

My message for the worship hour was taken from John 15:1-9 where we're reminded that connection with Jesus is the sole criteria for success in both life and ministry. And as Jennifer and I shook hands with the congregation at the door we touched the "living stones" that God is cementing together with the mortar of heavenly love to accomplish His work in Spark, Nevada-- just one of the thousands of places where God is at work in the Vineyard of the Pacific Union Conference.


  1. I ordained three elders this past Sabbath in Hollywood. It was a great service - deeply moving. I really resonated with your comments here. Thank you!

  2. Thanks Dr. Newton for your sermon last Sabbath. My sister was deeply moved by your message. Moreover, it truly is a blessing to realize the dedication of my brothers and sisters at the Sparks Church and how millions of others have devoted their lives to furthering the mission Adventist world church.
