Sunday, July 20, 2014

Adventist WestPoint 2014 Free Audio Downloads Available Now

 Adventist WestPoint in Mesa, Arizona

Adventist WestPoint 2014 (April 20-23) was truly the best-ever of our annual series.   Every year I'm just thrilled at the way God uses AWP to bring pastors, church members, and conference leaders together for creative thinking about growing the work of God in the Pacific Union and around the North American Division.

 Sponsors Hall
We met at the beautiful Arizona Golf Resort in Mesa, Arizona and were blessed with fantastic speakers, music, and seminars.  We recorded the morning and evening presentations and you can download them all for FREE at our website.

Go to and select the "Archives" tab to capture these six amazing messages.  By the way, you can also download the audio of the presentations from Adventist WestPoint 2013 aboard the Queen Mary at the same location.  And, look for Gerry Chudleigh's pictures of  our participates at the "Archives" section as well.

If you haven't yet come to an Adventist WestPoint it's worth your review (of course, I'm a little biased).   At our website you will see that we're meeting  April 5-8, 2015 at the Mission Valley Marriott in San Diego. Registration opens this Fall.

Best of all you can enjoy meeting friendly folks like these three good friends of mine that help make Adventist WestPoint a "go-to" event every year.

Pictured left to right:
Larry Witzel (SermonView)
Ernie Furness (Southeastern California Conference)
Kingsley Palmer (Arizona Conference)