Paul writes to his young protege, Timothy, these words of encouragement:
Get the word out. And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching. (1 Timothy 4:12--The Message)
I was asked to facilitate the Senior Theology interview process for Pacific Union College this year. What a joy it was to join conference presidents and ministerial secretaries in meeting these dedicated men and woman as they reach the finale of their training at PUC.
We began with breakfast at 7:00 a.m. with the Junior theology majors. It was a pleasant surprise to see one of my former (and much younger) church members from Simi Valley who is now preparing for ministry among this group.
With a brief introduction to the Seniors we would interview we made our way to the Religion department where Dr. Leo Ranzolin kept us all on track for the 25 minute interviews with each student. Without exception this was a faith-affirming experience as we heard the testimony of young men and one young woman committed to serve the Lord they love. A lovely luncheon provided by the Pacific Union Conference capped off the experience with these wonderful students.
As we have done every year I have participated in this process (first as Nevada-Utah President and how as Union Secretary) a "debriefing" was held with the Religion faculty. These are hard-working professionals who care deeply for every one of the students they lead through the 4 or 5 years of spiritual discovery. Their openness to provide the very best for their "charges" was an encouragement to us. We are truly a "team" building young leaders for the Kingdom.
We left with a prayer that the Lord who calls will also equip us as the Church to find places of service for these dedicated young disciples of Jesus.